Spring Picnics

Spring has to be our favourite season. There are, of course, great things about every season - but as the days start to lengthen and the garden begins to bloom things always feel somehow lighter. And the warmer weather just calls for days spent outdoors at the beach, with a picnic for sustenance.

The excellent thing about picnics is that they can be wonderfully elaborate affairs, or as simple as a delicious loaf of sourdough with a hunk of good cheese. Nowadays, with three girls between the ages of two and five to feed, our picnics tend to be less elaborate and more functional - how to get some nutritious food into them with minimal fuss, mess or added sand consumption!

A cooled frittata of spring asparagus, peppers and goats cheese, cut into chunks for easy finger food. A fruity oaty slice. Fresh seasonal fruit. And of course some Tasman Sea Salt - for sprinkling on a tub of cherry tomatoes and cucumber chunks. Simply delicious.

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